by Violet Rebecca Jones
Well, my rambling this weekend took me first to get my oil changed, in my car that is...although my joints could probably stand a lube job after all this cold weather. I had this $9.95 coupon, so I couldn't pass that up, and they give free Keurig coffee and apple muffins while you wait, so it seemed like a good idea.
After my car was all juiced up, cleaned out, and ready to roll, I drove by this movie theater that was PACKED. I mean people were waiting in line in the rain. Woah..there must be an awesome movie showing, so I pull in, grab my umbrella and whoosh in line. It is the new #Noah movie that everyone is waiting to see.
I buy my ticket, wait in line in the ladies room , buy my popcorn, and rush to get a seat. The theater is packed, and mostly with adults over forty. I think, "This is going to be good, no empty seats, a mature crowd...must be a seriously good movie."
Well, let me just say, the opening scenes were cool. It was nice to see the little Noah with his dad learning about creation. Then the violence began. Not so cool, but okay. However, when a little later on a pile of rocks gets up, walks, talks, fights, and looks like a Transformer ( but is actually a fallen angel), I begin to get a little wary. I don't remember this from the Bible. Now, had I actually read the movie reviews, I might have known that this is an interpretation of the Bible story I grew up with, but I didn't read them. I sort of thought that you shouldn't really mess with the Bible, so it never occurred to me that someone would. I know, I am naive.
Well, I am sitting here trying to find some redeeming qualities in the movie that I have spent money to see, but then a forest suddenly grows overnight from a seed that supposedly is from the Garden of Eden, and now these rock Transformer Angels begin to build the boat from all these trees. Then Noah begins to get a little crazy, probably from all that incense he keeps smoking the poor animals with, and tries to kill his family. Well, at this point, I am trying to find a way to discreetly fold my sweater into a pillow just in case I go to sleep, but this huge, elderly man decides to go to the restroom, or somewhere, and plows out the row of seats knocking my sweater onto the floor and into a pile of spilled soda, not mine either. There goes my idea of a nap. When he came back, he stepped on my toe, so now I am not only bored, but I am in need of emergency care as well. However, my mama taught me to never give up, so I am determined to stick this thing out until the bitter end. Bitter is the operative word here.
The part where the evil stowaway eats one of the animals is almost too much for me, and I can't help but wonder which species of animals we no longer have a result of this carnivore's appetite. But hey, wait a minute, did Noah actually have an evil stowaway on board? Duh, I don't think so. Oh well, maybe he and the rock Transformers got edited out.
To make a long story short, I think I could probably have found a better movie to watch, but on the bright side ( no pun intended), there was a pretty rainbow type of screen at the end, not really a rainbow, but close.
*Have you seen this movie? Am I the only one who is disappointed? Do you think it is good? Comment and let me know.
Copyright 2014 Violet Rebecca Jones
Well, my rambling this weekend took me first to get my oil changed, in my car that is...although my joints could probably stand a lube job after all this cold weather. I had this $9.95 coupon, so I couldn't pass that up, and they give free Keurig coffee and apple muffins while you wait, so it seemed like a good idea.
After my car was all juiced up, cleaned out, and ready to roll, I drove by this movie theater that was PACKED. I mean people were waiting in line in the rain. Woah..there must be an awesome movie showing, so I pull in, grab my umbrella and whoosh in line. It is the new #Noah movie that everyone is waiting to see.
I buy my ticket, wait in line in the ladies room , buy my popcorn, and rush to get a seat. The theater is packed, and mostly with adults over forty. I think, "This is going to be good, no empty seats, a mature crowd...must be a seriously good movie."
Well, let me just say, the opening scenes were cool. It was nice to see the little Noah with his dad learning about creation. Then the violence began. Not so cool, but okay. However, when a little later on a pile of rocks gets up, walks, talks, fights, and looks like a Transformer ( but is actually a fallen angel), I begin to get a little wary. I don't remember this from the Bible. Now, had I actually read the movie reviews, I might have known that this is an interpretation of the Bible story I grew up with, but I didn't read them. I sort of thought that you shouldn't really mess with the Bible, so it never occurred to me that someone would. I know, I am naive.
Well, I am sitting here trying to find some redeeming qualities in the movie that I have spent money to see, but then a forest suddenly grows overnight from a seed that supposedly is from the Garden of Eden, and now these rock Transformer Angels begin to build the boat from all these trees. Then Noah begins to get a little crazy, probably from all that incense he keeps smoking the poor animals with, and tries to kill his family. Well, at this point, I am trying to find a way to discreetly fold my sweater into a pillow just in case I go to sleep, but this huge, elderly man decides to go to the restroom, or somewhere, and plows out the row of seats knocking my sweater onto the floor and into a pile of spilled soda, not mine either. There goes my idea of a nap. When he came back, he stepped on my toe, so now I am not only bored, but I am in need of emergency care as well. However, my mama taught me to never give up, so I am determined to stick this thing out until the bitter end. Bitter is the operative word here.
The part where the evil stowaway eats one of the animals is almost too much for me, and I can't help but wonder which species of animals we no longer have a result of this carnivore's appetite. But hey, wait a minute, did Noah actually have an evil stowaway on board? Duh, I don't think so. Oh well, maybe he and the rock Transformers got edited out.
To make a long story short, I think I could probably have found a better movie to watch, but on the bright side ( no pun intended), there was a pretty rainbow type of screen at the end, not really a rainbow, but close.
*Have you seen this movie? Am I the only one who is disappointed? Do you think it is good? Comment and let me know.
Copyright 2014 Violet Rebecca Jones